Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
FirstName | string |
None. |
LastName | string |
None. |
HomePhone | string |
None. |
WorkPhone | string |
None. |
string |
None. |
OrgAddress | string |
None. |
OrgCity | string |
None. |
OrgState | string |
None. |
OrgZIP | string |
None. |
DestAddress | string |
None. |
DestCity | string |
None. |
DestState | string |
None. |
DestZIP | string |
None. |
Company | string |
None. |
Weight | integer |
None. |
Miles | integer |
None. |
PUDate | date |
None. |
DelDate | date |
None. |
SITIn | date |
None. |
SITOut | date |
None. |
Salesno | string |
None. |
Discount | decimal number |
None. |
idno | integer |
None. |
idsub | integer |
None. |
MoveType | string |
None. |
TariffName | string |
None. |
TariffNo | integer |
None. |
QuoteDate | date |
None. |
SITDiscount | decimal number |
None. |
Location | string |
None. |
Valuation | integer |
None. |
BillingType | string |
None. |
BindingType | string |
None. |
PackDate | date |
None. |
Closed | boolean |
None. |
BillWeight | integer |
None. |
Note | string |
None. |
ManualValuation | boolean |
None. |
ManualBillWeight | boolean |
None. |
Rooms | integer |
None. |
CellPhone | string |
None. |
OtherPhone | string |
None. |
OrgCounty | string |
None. |
DestCounty | string |
None. |
Entered | date |
None. |
EnteredBy | string |
None. |
TravelTime | decimal number |
None. |
Insurance | string |
None. |
Sig | string |
None. |
SigDate | date |
None. |
CCType | string |
None. |
CCName | string |
None. |
CCNo | string |
None. |
CCExp | string |
None. |
CCCode | string |
None. |
InsuranceSig | string |
None. |
Commercial | boolean |
None. |
Interior | boolean |
None. |
Modified | date |
None. |
ModifiedBy | string |
None. |
EstimateCrates | Collection of EstimateCrate |
None. |
EstimateExtraPUs | Collection of EstimateExtraPU |
None. |
EstimateImages | Collection of EstimateImage |
None. |
EstimateItems | Collection of EstimateItem |
None. |
EstimatePackings | Collection of EstimatePacking |
None. |
EstimateHours | Collection of EstimateHour |
None. |